Sustainable and Ethical Travel Tips by Kayleigh Innes

Sugar cane and fruit at a Mexican market

Sugar cane and fruit at a Mexican market

Why is all travel not sustainable?

More and more often we hear the word “sustainable” in relation to climate change, food, the fashion industry, and tourism. In these cases, it essentially means actions that protect and maintain their environment. For tourism specifically, it can refer to actions that do not exploit natural resources or harm local people. Tourism is on the rise, steadily for the last 30 years, with the exception of 2020 when the tourism industry suffered a loss of almost US$4.5 trillion due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The tourism industry is keen to recover from this loss and travel is expected to increase even more once Covid restrictions are lifted. Flying and package holidays are getting cheaper and an ever-growing number of people want to travel to take holidays abroad. However, as we become more aware of the effects of climate change we also see the effects of tourism, especially on formerly non-touristic countries, many of which are considered “developing” or “third world”. For wealthy people in the global north to visit these places often involves staying in newly developed luxury resorts. However, this can have a very drastic impact on the local communities and ecosystems. (Please read this, this and this research for more information.)

As a travel photographer and avid traveller, I feel it’s my responsibility to understand the impact I have on the places I visit and to travel as sustainably as possible. So, I took an online course on Sustainable Tourism by the University of Copenhagen and did some of my own research, and this is some information and tips I wanted to share for anyone else worrying about their travel footprint.

Eating local foods

Most tourists are from the global north where western diets are the norm. Many times these types of travellers, especially those staying in luxury accommodation like resorts and hotels, expect high-quality food that they already recognise and know they will enjoy. This forces the resorts and restaurants to cater to their tastes, often meaning they have to import or prepare food that is different from the local cuisine. This often forces local farmers to grow food that is not in harmony with the natural ecosystem and also causes a rise in food costs for local people. The more sustainable option, which has a better overall impact on the local community, is to eat the local cuisine from small restaurants and cafes outwith the luxury resorts. Tourists from the global south typically already do this or are more comfortable and willing to try local cuisine from street markets or local-run restaurants. For others, this can seem a little daunting as it can mean a big step outside their comfort zone and eating food that is unfamiliar. However, it is a good way to reduce harmful effects on the people of the country and the best way to enjoy a truly authentic experience of the destination. Researching the traditional dishes of a country before visiting is a good way to prepare and identify which food suits your own palate. (Please read this research for more information.)

Accommodation and the local economy

Many people justify luxury travel to “developing” countries by saying that it helps to boost the local economy and that these countries rely on income from tourism. Although tourism does bring money into countries, the money from luxury resorts rarely filters down into the local community. Staff employed by the hotels and restaurants do benefit from the salary, but often the managers and owners (the people who make the most money) are ex-pats, whereas the labour and support staff such as waiters and cleaners are local people who receive lower wages, face high turnover rates, and experience bad working conditions. The rest of the local community do not benefit from the money and more often suffer environmental consequences as a result of tourism. For example, hotels with pools, garden spaces, hot tubs and spa facilities etc use vast amounts of water, reducing water supply to the rest of the region and sometimes causing shortages. The pools, ponds, water features and wastewater also act as breeding grounds for mosquitos, and mosquito populations are known to rise around tourist resorts and compounds, increasing the local people’s risk of mosquito-borne illnesses. A better option is to stay at smaller local accommodations such as workaways, homestays, or hostels run by local people, and shop at local markets so that the money goes directly to the community and back into the local economy. Some people do not feel safe doing this, especially in countries with dangerous reputations or high crime rates. In that case, it may be better to choose a different destination where you feel more comfortable, rather than fund harmful tourist practices. Also, bear in mind that some places like Hawaii have asked tourists not to visit the islands during the Covid pandemic as they’re health services and natural resources are strained trying to accommodate foreigners, with local communities suffering the consequences. It’s important to consider the wishes and comfort of local people when deciding on your travel destination. (Please read this and this research for more information.)

Wildlife tourism

This is a huge part of the tourism industry, all over travel and tourism Instagram you’ll see photos of people posing with wild and exotic animals. Although it may seem harmless and you may be assured that the animals are well cared for, it is impossible to have wild animals interact with humans in this way, without some kind of training or abuse involved. This training often starts when the animals are young and can be very cruel. Elephants for example have their “spirit broken” through beatings with wooden and metal instruments to ensure that they allow tourists to touch them and climb onto their backs - a completely unnatural behaviour. Tigers and other big cats have been known to be drugged in order to subdue them and get them to “calmly” pose with tourists for photos. Animals that are used for entertainment are exploited and almost always kept in unsafe and unethical living conditions. A more ethical alternative to this is situations where wild animals live freely and are not owned or controlled by humans. This exists in places like Nara Park in Japan, where wild deer live and can be fed or viewed by tourists, and also on reserves like those in southern Africa where wild animals can be watched and photographed during safaris. Not all safaris are ethical of course, those which promote hunting (especially “big game”) or fund ivory and medicine trades are partially responsible for the decline of endangered species. However, viewing-only wildlife tourism is shown to be mutually beneficial for the animals and the local communities. (Once local people realise how much money is brought to their area through conservation tourism they are more likely to protect the wildlife and natural environment.) So, how can you know when somewhere really does rescue or benefit animals? Well, generally it’s best to avoid anywhere that allows you to touch (for the most part) or ride the wild animals, where the animals are kept contained (except for a short time may be due to illness or for rehabilitation), and definitely not anywhere that wild animals are trained or perform for tourists. Even rescue facilities where animals are rehabilitated and released generally shouldn’t allow you to touch wild animals (rescues for domesticated animals like cats and dogs or exotic animals formally kept as pets may be different.) Projects such as turtle hatcheries may provide an opportunity to get up close and interact with newborn turtles as this sometimes involves helping the turtles safely make it to the sea. Scuba diving trips where animals may naturally come close to swimmers is also an option, but in instances where bait is used to lure animals can be considered problematic. I know it’s not as “fun” but for the safety of the wildlife, it’s important to remember that we as tourists should watch, admire and observe them from afar, not disrupt or interact with them or their natural habitat. Some local and indigenous communities have closer relationships with the wildlife, but that is due to their long-standing coexistence with their natural environment and isn’t something that should be forced or mimicked by tourists. (Please check out this and this information to learn more.)

Respecting local culture

Although my research did touch on this topic, a lot of what I’m writing here is personal opinion. I think this is a very important thing that we sometimes forget: tourist are short-term guests in a country, but the local people live there all the time, their lifestyle and culture should be respected by the guest during the visit. It’s a very colonialist view, but western tourists often believe our way of life is the best or correct one and forget that although other cultures may be different it doens’t make them bad or wrong. This means, respecting local customs regarding modesty, alcohol, public displays of affection, etc is important. The individualist view of “I should be able to do whatever I want” can actually have real-life consequences for the local people. In some places, young people view tourists as more sophisticated than locals and believe their look or lifestyle is something to be admired, so when tourists wear revealing clothes in modest regions young people sometimes try to copy them and this can cause tension and social problems among the local community. Another thing to be aware of is what is called “white saviour complex” or "poverty porn” this is when tourists pose with local communities, often children, sometimes to show off the charity work they are doing, and post it on the internet. This is problematic for a number of reasons, not least of all that the children or their guardians don’t get the option to consent to the images being taken or shared, and such images where the children can be identified have been shown to increase their risk of abduction and human trafficking. Additionally, it can perpetuate harmful and offensive stereotypes about the country and culture, painting the tourist as a “saviour” of the “poor” local people (thus the name). Other things such as cultural festivals or events may involve practices that are not common in western cultures, and this can be a difficult ethical dilemma for tourists to deal with. In my opinion, it’s best to allow the local people to decide what they allow in their own culture, and support local activists in being the ones to try to make any changes that they think is necessary, rather than judgement or protest being made by people viewing the situation through a western lens.

What does this mean for the future of tourism?

Well, has plans and guidelines in place for how we can kickstart tourism again in an ethical and mutually beneficial way that also prioritises safety from Covid-19. The UN has created a list of Sustainable Development Goals that aim to “end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030”, so look out for places and organisations that are working towards or meeting some of these goals. In general, travelling more sustainably might mean going on more of a backpacker-style vacation than having a private pool and access to a golf course, experiencing local cuisine over luxury room service, or booking a guided nature hike instead of an elephant or camel ride. I know it might not be everyone’s preferred way to travel but when it comes to preserving the planet, the wildlife, and the well-being of the local people, making some of these changes can help make a big difference.

Wild sika deer at Nara Park

Wild sika deer at Nara Park

Now, I want to put a disclaimer saying that I AM NOT PERFECT! This plan/method is not going to be perfect! There is no way for me to be 100% sustainable and have zero negative impact, the majority of us will never be able to achieve that goal for as long as we have to exist in modern, capitalist society. However, my goal with this, as with all things, is to do my best and do as little harm as is practicable and possible in each situation. I never seek to shame or criticize other people for their choices or lifestyle as I don’t know anyone’s personal circumstances, and I know there’s a million reasons why something may or may not be possible for each person. I just try to share my personal experience or things that I’m learning in the hope that someone might find it interesting, or relatable, or useful.

Vision Board 2021 by Kayleigh Innes

In the shadows by Kayleigh Innes

Some self portraits, playing around with light and shadow.

Second-hand fashion shoot in the park by Kayleigh Innes

Earlier in the year I did a photoshoot with Alberto Tang, a Venezuelan photographer in Mexico City. I love meeting new photographers, and I was especially excited about this shoot because it was an opportunity to showcase some sustainable style.

I have no idea how old this skirt is, older than me at least. Like most my favourite pieces I found it in my mum's wardrobe and thankfully she held onto it long enough for it to come back into style. The bodysuit I also got second hand from @ref.ound. I stopped supporting fast fashion a long time ago and would only allow myself to buy new clothes once per year. Luckily here in Mexico there's so many awesome second-hand shops so I have been able to buy lots of "new" pieces without feeling guilty.