I sort of went into a trance. I couldn’t even hear the cars passing, or see the people watching, I was just completely in the moment and loving it.
The last few weeks I’ve been sharing the photos from the modelling shoot I recently did with Mexico City photographer Iker Cruz and stylist Melina Guerrero. This is the next instalment - the outdoor bit. The part I was most worried about.
I was ok with the idea of shooting indoors because I thought I’d feel shielded and safe, but in fact, the studio and cafe shoots actually made me a little more self-conscious than the street shoot did. When we were out on the street, I felt like a real model. Iker told me what he wanted from the shots and I just did it. My husband told me afterwards that cars we’re having to divert around me and people (including the police) stopped to watch what was going on. I didn’t even realise - I was in the zone.
These are some of my favourite pictures from the whole shoot and I think they show how I was feeling; powerful, careless, free. The other photos, I also love, but I think I look more timid and a little reserved. These ones I just went for. I didn’t hold back. I was "feeling myself” as they say, and loving every second of it.
I had no idea how the photos were going to come out because the angle and poses were pretty out of my comfort zone and unlike anything I’d done before, but now I see them it just makes me even more excited for my next shoot so I can experiment even more.
Let me know what you think…

Behind the Scenes